SESA, in partnership with Colorado University-Boulder’s Masters of the Environment (MENV) program, Ohio University and others, submitted a proposal to the Rockefeller Foundation’s Food System Vision Prize in January. The competition asks participants to develop a vision for the future of food systems in the face of climate change, pollution and population growth. “Top Visionaries” will receive $200,000 each.
The SESA-MENV proposal describes a “Maati-Paani-Asha” (Soil-Water-Hope) vision to address drought and worsening climate conditions in Umarkhed. By creating the Maati-Paani-Asha Center at GSG College to model and support regenerative agricultural practices, this vision intends to facilitate a transition to more sustainable methods of producing food.
The collaborative project was featured in an article posted on the CU-Boulder MENV website. Read SESA’s proposal and support it by clicking the “heart” icon here.